Date :
07th & 08th Jan.,2023 (Saturday & Sunday).
Time :
11.00 am to 08.00 pm
Location :
Subhash Nagar,
Chembur, Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400071.
Number of Stalls : 60
Charges for two days inclusive of amenities mentioned below.
Amenities :
Table Space + 01 Chair +
Common Amenities : Lights, Fans, Water Bottles, Tea (02 persons two times)
Note : Additional Chairs can be made available, subject to extra charges.
Tentative Stall Layout
After Stall Booking, a Stall Vendor gets following Add On benefits FREE of Cost.
(One Time Membership fee waived for lifetime. Other benefits provided FREE of cost for One Year)
1) Stalls will be allocated on first come – first serve basis only. Stall Numbers will be accordingly allotted. To avoid direct competition, all efforts shall be made that similar product ranged stalls are not allotted near to each others.
2) Stalls once allotted will not be sublet / outsourced by the Stall Vendors.
3) Stall Allotment letter must be carried on both the days of Exhibition.
4) The Organizers reserve exclusive right to cancel / deny stall.
5) Stall Charges Refund : Stall Charges are normally non-refundable. In case you are unable to participate in the Exhibition at the very last moment and the stall remains unoccupied, the stall charges wont be refunded. The refund of stall charges depends on multiple factors and are dealt on case to case basis. Swayamsiddha reserves exclusive right to decide upon refund of stall charges which will be binding on the participants.
6) No inflammable items will be allowed in the Exhibition.
7) Proper decorum should be followed during the Exhibition.
8) Participants will be provided with a room to keep their belongings, however, Swayamsiddha Foundation does not takes responsibility of safety and security of the belongings of Stall Owners or any person visiting the stalls. Stall Owners may keep their belongings at their risk. Swayamsiddha Foundation shall not be held responsible for any loss / theft of belongings.
9) Swayamsiddha shall undertake measures to disseminate information of the Exhibition for visitor inflow. However, the organization shall not be held responsible for low business / poor visitor turnout.
10) The Photographs and Video Bytes of Stalls and Stall Owners shall be taken by Swayamsiddha or its appointed person, the photographs / video bytes shall be used for publicity purpose on various print / digital media for wider publicity.
11) The Stall Layout circulated / available on the website and various social media platforms is tentative in nature and can be changed in parts or fully to ensure participation of members. However, efforts shall be made that the stall visitors shall visit all the stalls, the inflow of the visitors will be accordingly planned.
12) By submitting the Stall Registration Form, you agree to the above terms and conditions.
Thank you Stall Booking Closed.
It is requested to join our Exhibitors Whatsapp Group to get updates of our forthcoming Exhibitions & Events.
Group Link : Join Whatsapp Group